my Music

Your music,movies,and TV shows take center stage.

My Music is generally defined as the art of arranging sound to create some combination of form, harmony, melody, rhythm, or otherwise expressive content.Music often plays a key role in social activities, religious rituals, rite of passage ceremonies, celebrations, and cultural activities.


100 Millions ad$ free songs

Stream over 45 million songs, ad-free. Or download albums and tracks to listen to offline. All the music in your personal myTunes library — no matter where it came from — lives right alongside the Dark Music catalog. Start your free three-month trial with no commitment, and cancel anytime.

Dark Music is available in myMusic, and for iOS and Android devices.


The movie and TV collection you always wished for. Granted.

With over 100,000 movies and TV shows to choose from, there’s always something great to watch on myTunes and if you watch on Orange TV 4K, you’ll be able to enjoy a tremendous selection of your favorite content in 4K HDR. So get ready to enjoy episodes of your favorite TV shows or hit movies you’ve been waiting to see — anytime, anywhere. Just tap to play, or even download if you’re going somewhere you won’t have Wi-Fi.

The Earth has music for those who listen

every creation of nature produces a sound which heal the nature in many ways,it heals the world the mountains
the creatures the human echos which produce made day better!

A world of entertainment. Available wherever you are.

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Gift Cards

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